Journey into the Shadows: Haunted Places Unveiled
Wausau Area Haunts
The Grand Theater
Reports of the ghost of a former stage manager have circulated at the Grand for years. Larry Beltz has been seen in various area of the building but is most fond of the stage where he is often seen watching rehearsals from the wings or the lighting rack. The Wausau Paranormal Research Society has collected a number of stories and other evidence of a haunting. EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) of a ghostly voice saying “Don’t come back over here.” and film of a ball of light moving across a room while an EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) meter registers the presence of an electromagnetic field along with a photograph of a mysterious blob in the balcony have all been collected at the Grand.
The Downtown Mission Church - Former Fillmor / Roger's Theater
The theater has been the sight of various paranormal phenomena over the last three decades. The apparition of a gaunt gentleman was reported in the basement auditorium, various electrical disturbances were reported throughout the building and the feeling of being watched were some of the ghostly phenomena reported by the staff. On two occasions an employee was pushed out of the theater doors by unseen hands. After the theater was closed renovators were removing the seats in the basement auditorium when they heard a strange thumping. Looking up from their work they were horrified to see every seat in the theater violently rocking back and forth. During recent investigations of the theater several EVP's were obtained and investigators witnessed a row of theater chairs rocking of their own accord. In the fall of 2008 the building reopened as the Fillmor then closed in April 2009. The Fillmor again reopened it's doors but closed again for the last time in late 2013. It is now the site of The Downtown Mission Church. See our case reports and listen to our EVP's for full details.
Wausau Museum Of Contemporary Art - Formerly The Wausau Club
Martha is the name given to the ghost by staff at the club. Legend has it that during the early days of the club Martha was staying in one of the guest rooms in the north wing when despondent over her pregnancy and a forbidden love affair she committed suicide. Since that day Martha has haunted the stately club. She is fond of turning on lights, swinging light fixtures and causing cold spots. Her apparition has been seen on the grand staircase and in the doorway to the room where she died. During recent renovation workers complained of tools and other equipment being moved from where they had set them down. The club closed in December 2004. The WPRS investigated the site in 2005 and again in 2017- click above to see the report results. Currently it is being renovated and has reopened as The Wausau Museum Of Contemporary Art - (www.wmoca.org).
UW-Marathon County
Two ghosts haunt this small two year liberal arts college. Annie, the ghost of a former janitor, and the Blue Cowboy so named because of the hat he wears.
Annie was a janitor at UW-Marathon for a number of years and after she died staff reported hearing her distinctive chicken cackle laughter coming from various parts of the building. Phantom footsteps are heard in the halls and the sound of moving furniture has been reported in empty classrooms. In a recent incident Annie opened all of the cupboard doors in the library workroom.
The Blue Cowboy is an apparition seen in Marathon Hall. He has been described as a hazy blue man like form wearing some type of hat. The apparition appears in the closet of a third floor room and moves down the hall. There have also been reports of the sound of furniture being moved in the room on weekends when the residents are out of town. The WPRS has visited on two occasions - see the case reports above for details.
The Fischer House
Located in Rothschild the Fischer home was the scene of a poltergeist like haunting during the 1970’s. The family reported the sound of ringing bells, various electrical malfunctions, spontaneous fires and strange shadows moving along the hall. The sound of phantom footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs and the family dog refused to go into the lower level of the home. The family moved after a flying razor attacked Mrs. Fischer in the bath. Rumors are that the home was built on a Native American burial ground.
Forest Park Village (Old Hospital North)
When Old Hospital North was abandoned in the eighties, stories were told of strange happenings in this derelict hospital that loomed over the city from East Hill. A group of 13 cultists were arrested in the old hospital morgue on a Halloween night in the mid eighties. Strange sounds could be heard coming from the old building and shadows were seen moving past the windows. After the building was converted into housing for the elderly the haunting continued. Apparitions are seen, often in the elevator, cold spots reported, ghostly children's cries and uneasy feelings have been reported by residents and staff in various areas of the complex. Small children's faces have been seen outside the windows of the Stonecrest building.
Town of Stettin spook lights
A farmer in the town of stettin reported that strange lights "floated" between his house and barn.
Yawkey Historical House
The museum is located in the old Yawkey mansion at 410 McIndoe. The smell of pipe smoke, a favorite of Mr. Yawkey has been reported on the first floor staircase landing. A book of poetry is moved about from one exhibit to another by unseen hands. A staff member was in the basement when he heard his named called. He was the only person in the mansion at the time. He became frightened and when he tried to exit the basement he found the door held shut by unseen hands. In another incident a group of employees were in the kitchen taking a break when the cap of the pop bottle moved across a break room table and fell on the floor. Once a museum curator upon opening the museum for the day found various items moved and placed on the floor in Mr. Yawkeys old office area with no explanation. It is also reported that when the tour guide is alone in the home he often hears foot steps walking across the landing at the top of the staircase. Sometimes when he leaves for the day as he walks down the porch steps he hears knocking on the window from within. When he looks back no one is present.
Marathon County Historical Society Library
The old Woodson mansion is now the home of the Marathon County Historical Society library and museum. Staff have reported the sound of a telephone ringing in a room that has no phone. Phantom footsteps can be heard coming down the upstairs hallway and descending the main staircase. Strange odors have been reported in an upstairs room, and the door alarm often sounds by itself. Also the apparition of a younger male has been seen in the first floor area between the old church and the mansion.
Wausau Municipal Airport
A hangar is reportedly haunted. The story goes that the airport manager in the 1940s, one Archie Towle, died in a crash there in 1945. His ghost now haunts the hangar he frequented in life. Witnesses have reported hearing ghostly footsteps sounding like "wingtips walking across a hardwood floor" and a water faucet that turns itself on. The current airport manager claims Archie has been more active when renovations at the airport took place. In one case an employee was working late in a second floor office when he heard a pounding sound coming from a closet. He knocked back on the wall and told Archie to keep it down. The pounding then moved from the closet to the outer wall and made its way around the entire building.
Shepherd & Schaller Sporting Goods
Eddie is the name given by staff to the ghost that haunts this building. Staff have reported that the door alarm will sound by itself. One employee was ascending to the third floor when a small piece of plaster flew at her and struck the employees shoulder. A dog brought to the building reacted to an unseen presence when it wondered off. In another incident an employee was in the basement and left his can of soda on a shelf. Leaving the room for a moment the employee came back to find that the can was missing a third of it's contents and was dumped out all over the shelf. No leak in the can could be found. boxes stack themselves without the aide of human hands. Click above to see our case results from our investigation in October 2009.
D.L. Plumer Mansion
This home was demolished in April 1972 to make way for "progress". However the haunting activity that occurred at the site was bone chilling.
JI Case Factory Poltergeist
Something is working an eternal shift at a former factory in Schofield.
Kraft Cheese Factory Haunting
Something is haunting a Wausau factory. The names in this story have been changed, but this tale is most definitely real.
County Market Ghost
A true tale from WPRS member Shawn Blaschka about an apparition he saw while working at a local grocery store around 1995.
The Ghost of Third Street Wausau
A true story of a former home owned by WPRS member Shawn Blaschka. Lived at the site from 1993 to 1999.