Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) from various Investigations *For the best experience, a quality pair of headphones is highly recommended. “Don’t go back over here.” “21.” “Door slam once.” “Whisper.” Female singing, “Pray for you.” Male sounding, “Gasp.” Noise, “Screech.” “Laugh/Dog bark.” “Josh.” “That’d be cool, Shawn get out.” “Oh, are we here to tape?” “Unidentified whisper.” “Cackle.” “Cry on steps.” Female voice saying, “Hi.” Male voice saying, “Yes.” Male voice saying, “Get out.” Unidentified voice. Male voice saying, “No.” Female or child humming. Voice answering, ‘No.” Footsteps in the barn. Footsteps in the bedroom. Young female saying, “Hi.” Female saying, “Hi.” Female saying, “Hi.” Female saying, “NO.” Footsteps back stairway. Woman weeping. Male saying, “Hey.” Footsteps in hallway & male saying,“Young (?)” Male voice saying, “Walter.” Growl or moan. Female sigh at 1 :15 Client basement, “No.” Client basement, “Who, who?” Descending basement stairs, “Moan.” “Randi or Randy.” Footsteps in hallway. Near bathroom, “Help.” Male sounding moan. “Wow (or) Now.” “Wow (or) Now.” Whistle in lower bar. In bar area, “Giggle.” Door closing. Tapping noise in bar. Faint female voice.