The Rosenberry Inn: Wausau, WI
The WPRS conducted an overnight investigation on Saturday, March 21st-22nd. Investigators Beaudry, Blaschka, Duginski, von Gnechten, Syring, Cruz & Vanprooyen were present. Equipment used during the investigation included a DVR camera system ( 6 cameras ), Infrared and Full spectrum cameras, laser grid, vibration & motion detectors, REM pods, SB11 spirit box, thermal imaging camera, digital recorders and Trifield EMF meters.
DVR cameras were placed around the location in areas of known activity. Cameras were placed in first floor dining room and hallway, second floor hallway, the grand staircase and the back staircase. Vibration and motion detectors were placed on the grand staircase and second floor hallway. REM pods were placed at the top of the grand staircase along with stuffed animals and toys used as trigger objects. Numerous photographs were taken around the location with an Infrared and Full spectrum camera. Two photographs captured had possible paranormal evidence. One photo was taken in the dining room looking into the hallway/staircase area. The other was in the same area but at another angle.
At the bottom of the staircase, a white mist seems to be forming.
This second photo was taken on the first floor main hallway area. A transparent shadow figure can be seen above the desk on the right side of the photo, either descending from the staircase or the side bedroom.
Investigators made numerous attempts trying to recreate the photographs with similar results, but were unable to debunk the mist and shadow figure.
The DVR cameras also captured two unusual anomalies. The first anomaly was in the shape of a fast moving orb going up the grand staircase then suddenly turning directions and descending back down. The second anomaly was also orb shaped coming out of the sitting room entry area and moving towards the main entry door. These two different anomalies seem to move in a fast direct motion, not like the common dust particles that float from air movement.
During the course of the investigation at several different times, the vibration detector that was placed at the top landing of the grand staircase went off. A few times it went off while investigators were standing motionless at the bottom of the stairs.
During one of the EVP sessions on the second floor, several recordings were captured by different investigators. Investigator von Gnechten captured a recording of a female voice replying “NO”, to his question if they had a message for the owner. During that same session, Investigator Beaudry captured a female voice speaking. Unfortunately his equipment was set on video mode, so the audio could not be enhanced for further analysis.
During a quite EVP recording session in that same area, Investigator Blaschka captured a female voice. The words were unintelligible. During a SB11 spirit box session downstairs, Investigators Cruz and von Gnechten captured numerous responses to their questions on the device.
The two photographs of the mist and shadow figure could not be debunked or recreated by the team and could be true paranormal phenomenon captured on film. The two unusual orb anomalies were indeed very interesting and only captured twice in different areas. Audio EVP recordings of a female were captured by three different investigators and the personal experiences of the vibration detector alarming as well as the SB11 spirit box activity.
The Wausau Paranormal Research Society has investigated the Rosenberry Inn several times throughout the past years. During each investigation the team has captured and experienced true paranormal activity. A plethora of evidence collected during these investigations, research and personal experiences from the team, owner and guests determine that the Inn is truly experiencing intelligent paranormal phenomenon. The spirits that still linger behind are not malevolent in nature and are not to be feared. The WPRS believes that the spirit of Katherine and young Florence still reside at their home, along with Florence’s beloved white dog.
*Any use or reproduction of this documentation is prohibited without the sole permission of Bill Beaudry and the WPRS.