Private Home: Wausau, WI
The client contacted us via email on November 22, 2022 regarding paranormal activity that they have been subject to over the past 25 years. They moved in to their home in 1997. The structure is a Bungalow style home that was built in 1926. The builder of the house moved out in 1929 and it was again occupied by a second owner. That family lived at the site until 1969. The house then went through numerous owners and renters from 1970 until 1997 when the current owner purchased it. Prior to the home being built the site was occupied by a business. The business was razed in early 1926.
Paranormal Activity Reported
Activity occurring in the home includes:
· The owner saw a dark figure of a person one evening while he was lying in his bed. The figure was crouched down near the bed, stood up and walked out of the room. This was seen in the downstairs bedroom.
· Owner observed the door to her bedroom open forcefully one evening while she was lying in bed watching television. This door is often found open when it has been secured and closed.
· Owner's and their children have been subject to bursts of unexplainable emotional outbursts at times.
· Many loud knocks, bangs and noises that cannot be explained throughout the home.
· Often things are found out of place in the home with no reasonable explanation to how they were moved.
· Burning electrical smells that seemingly appear and dissipate with no explanation.
· Owner has been pushed by something unseen while descending the staircase.
· The owner's daughter captured what looks like a women in white standing near the doorway to her bedroom while she was on snap chat.
· Pets seem to sense things unseen by the owners.
· One evening the owners heard what sounded again like many loud knocks and bangs followed by a crashing noise. Upon inspection they discovered their television had dislocated from the wall in their living room and fell to the floor.
· Owner has had the sensation of someone touching his ankles while he is lying on his bed in the main floor bedroom.
· Unexplainable scratches found on one of the owner's legs.
· Owner has also felt the sensation of someone sitting next to her at times on her bed in the main floor bedroom.
· A black mass has been seen on one occasion in the basement near the foot of the stairs by the owner as she was doing laundry.
· Once a workman arrived at the property and the owner seen another man walking behind him from her dining room window. When she didn’t see the other man again, she inquired with the workman as to where his partner was. The workman explained to her that he was alone and never had a co-worker with him that day.
· Bassinet in the upstairs bedroom was moved from the center of the room to the wall by something unseen.
· A shadow shape was seen in the upstairs bedroom of what looked like a man wearing a wide brim hat and long heavy jacket.
· While the owner was in the downstairs bathroom she seen a partial image in the mirror she was facing. She could distinctly see what looked like a button from a jacket or shirt. The image then disappeared.
· Sudden feelings of sadness or high anxiety at times.
The owner's invited us to investigate the site. We arrived on Saturday February 4, 2023 at approximately 4:00PM. Investigators Blaschka, Brown, Kasper, Christiansen and Beaudry were present for the investigation. Upon arrival the client showed us around the property and explained to us the activity that has occurred at the site. The first events occurred when they first purchased the home back in 1997 and activity has occurred sporadically since then. After the owner gave us the tour she left the property and we began our investigation. We started by setting up our DVR wireless camera system. Camera #1 was placed in the upstairs South bedroom. Camera #2 was placed in the main level bedroom. Camera #3 was focused on the living room area. Camera #4 was placed into the upstairs North bedroom. Camera #5 covered the upstairs landing and camera #6 was placed into the basement. An investigator was posted during most of the investigation to monitor the cameras.
Investigator Blaschka drew a basic map of the home’s layout and investigators took temperature and EMF readings throughout the property. Temperature readings were obtained with the use of infrared probes. Temperatures in the home ranged from 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. EMF readings on the main level ranged from 0mg to 15mg, all of which were static in nature. The second floor EMF readings ranged from 0 to 100mg. These readings were varied in nature at a height of about 3 to 4 feet from floor level. Closer to the ceiling and floor, the readings became static in nature. The remaining readings seemed to come and go without any reasonable explanation that we could ascertain. We tested many theories on the possible source of these high reading but could not find an obvious source. The house has had part of its electrical system updated with newer wiring but still contains some very old wiring with poor shielding. Poorly shielded wiring can leak high magnet fields into a living area. EMF readings above 10mg have been scientifically proven to cause many physical effects on the human body. Some of those effects can include dizziness, upset stomach, headaches, confusion, nervousness, high anxiety and in some cases hallucinations. Currently, the owner’s do not use any of the space on the 2nd floor as living space due to their uncomfortable feelings in that area.
We used more of our instrumentation in various areas of the house. REM Pods were placed on the bed in the first and second floor bedrooms. None of these devices activated during our investigation. Our SLS camera was utilized in various areas of the home as well as during each of our EVP sessions. We did not detect any activity on that device during the investigation. Another device called a Paranormal Puck which gives us real time information about changes in the environment was also utilized during our EVP sessions. That device did not capture any activity or major changes in environment. We placed motion detectors in various areas of the house to monitor any movement that may occur during our investigation. None of those devices alarmed during our visit.
We conducted EVP sessions in the main and upper level bedrooms and the living room. During those sessions we used names of past owners, the owners of the business that was once on the property and the owner's parent’s names. We also spoke to whatever may be present and worked on laying down some ground rules. This method has been utilized by us in the past and has yielded some good results. Unfortunately, we did not capture any audio responses on any of our audio recordings.
We did have a few personal experiences during the evening that we could not reasonably explain. Once during the evening investigator Blaschka was standing on the basement steps when he heard three distinct knocks. The knocks sounded like someone knocked on the floor from another area of the house. During this time, no other investigators were moving upstairs nor did they hear what Blaschka heard. Investigator Kasper had an experience when she was closing the basement door. While doing so she felt as if someone pulled the door shut from the other side. Upon inspection, no explanation could be found for this. Another experience was from Investigator Brown. She felt as if someone nudged or touched the bed she was lying on during our EVP session in the main level bedroom. No one was moving at the time and no investigator present touched the bed.
We tried to debunk the issue the owner has had with the bedroom door on the main level. We could not find any reason why or how the door would close and secure itself. The incident with the same door opening quickly that was experienced by the owner, I cannot explain. Some other type of extraordinary forces would have had to be involved to create that effect.
Dozens of infrared photos were taken throughout the property and only a few captured orbs. While an “orb” is not definitive proof of paranormal activity, these captures prove a bit more suspect as many other photos did not capture any orb activity. One photo taken of the lower basement steps shows what appears to be possibly some sort of energy trails captured in the lower left hand of the picture. We have captured similar phenomena at other haunted locations in the past.
Review of all of our DVR camera footage did not provide any paranormal evidence.
Conclusion and Recommendations
In closing, we did not capture much in the way of solid evidence. We did however have several personal experiences during our investigation. Unfortunately, personal experiences are not scientific and are widely open to interpretation. However, I think it important to take these experiences into consideration as the owners have had many experiences over the past 25 years. Possibly further study of the site would be needed to come to a more certain conclusion. Based on our results collected on this investigation I would conclude that we did not capture enough scientific evidence to determine that the site is truly haunted. Multiple investigations would have to occur to collect the evidence needed to establish that the home is truly haunted.
*Any use or reproduction of this documentation is prohibited without the sole permission of Shawn Blaschka and the WPRS.