Private Business: Tomahawk, WI
The team was offered to investigate a business site in the Tomahawk area. The owner does not wish to disclose the location or divulge much background information of the site due to their request of anonymity. The investigation took place on April 8, 2023 from approximately 4:00PM to 12:00AM. Investigators present: Brown, Blaschka, Beadry, Christianson, Duginski and Scheibe. Some of the equipment used: Voice recorders, REM pod, digital camera, IR camera system, K2, Tri-Field Meter and Thermal Camera.
Paranormal Activity Reported
Activity occurring at the business includes:
A closed closet door inexplicably unlatched and opened and was witnessed by two people.
Voices are heard throughout the building when there is no one in those areas.
The sound of feet shuffling in a large back area when there is no one there.
Employees reported seeing what appeared to be a person moving from room to room in their peripheral vision.
The feeling of being watched.
Tools often go missing and show up in odd places.
One person was in the building alone, late in the evening, working on a project and left a tool he needed across the room. When he commented out loud to himself that he should have grabbed it, the tool was on the table next to where he was working when he turned around.
The sound of someone walking around upstairs when there is no one there.
Two people heard what sounded like a man growling or grumbling on several occasions.
We arrived at the site at roughly 4PM on April 8, 2023. The team broke into smaller groups and performed various EVP sessions. In the large back room, there were the sounds of someone shuffling their feet. This was heard by several team members.
One recording sounds like someone said “Don”. This is interesting because there was a man named Don who has passed, who used to work in this building and although he was beloved by his co-workers, he could be “a bit grumbly”.
We were not able to recreate the closet door opening on its own.
In closing, we captured some paranormal evidence. We also had some personal experiences during our investigation. Unfortunately, personal experiences are not scientific and are widely open to interpretation. However, I think it important to take these experiences into consideration as the employees have had many experiences over the years. Since our investigation, employees continue to report hearing the voices, the shuffling and footsteps and seeing shadows moving between rooms. No one feels frightened or uncomfortable. They simply say “hi” and go about their day.
*Any use or reproduction of this documentation is prohibited without the sole permission of Beth Brown and the WPRS.