Law Office: Wausau, WI
The law office resides on a site where various other former businesses once existed. The business is currently family owned and operated since 2013.
Description of Paranormal Activity as given by the clients
· Despite the recent construction and warm colors, the unit feels extremely unsettling after 10 pm. It feels as though you are being watched.
· At or beyond this time, when one is standing near the reception area, it consistently sounds as though somebody is rifling through the copy room. However, upon thorough inspection, nobody is there and the noise inexplicably stops. Having returned to the front, the noise resumes again.
· A self-proclaimed medium, who used to work for the firm, asked one attorney if his father had been in the military because she felt the presence of a soldier. It happened to be on his late father’s birthday that she asked. He is not sure that this means she saw his father. He was a very laid back and casual person and wouldn’t come across as a ridged soldier.
· All involved have experienced feelings of uneasiness, creepiness and the feeling of being watched. Multiple people have experienced the same phenomena individually and described the exact same experiences.
· One man has had hair stand up, goosebumps and a cool breeze. He felt the creepiness, uneasiness, fear, terror and “opposite of calm” (anxiety)
· While attempting to record some basic Q&A one individual experienced an issue with his vocal cords. They began making clicking noises that were not intended. He was not alarmed until after hearing the clicking. He has never made these noises before. This clicking happened at the same time that files flew off the desk onto the ground in a nearby room. He has not been back late at night since.
· One of the attorney’s wives was at the office late on November 6, 2022 and heard whispers in her ear and felt a sense of terror.
· A female attorney often hears what sounds like the front door of the suite open and close. When she goes out to check, no one is there.
The WPRS arrived on Saturday January 21st, 2023, at 5 pm. The weather conditions were partly cloudy with 6-7 mph winds and temperatures in the upper teens. (Degrees Fahrenheit)
Investigators present were Beaudry, Blaschka, Brown, Christianson, Duginski and Kasper.
Equipment used: Digital Video Recorder (DVR), digital infrared cameras, cellphone cameras, digital audio recorders, Rem Pod, Tri-Field EMF Meters, K-II EMF reader, Laser grid, motion sensors and a thermal imager.
The investigation began with a tour of the offices and a brief interview with the clients. Areas of activity were pointed out and then the team proceeded to set up equipment and take base temperature and EMF readings.
Cameras mounted to tri-pods were positioned throughout the office suite. One near the entrance door to capture the reception area and the hallway leading to the large conference room. Another outside the large conference room covering the hallway and door that leads to the back hallway and restrooms. A third camera was placed inside the copy room and the final camera was positioned in the small conference room, concentrated on the sports memorabilia.
REM Pods were placed in the copy room and next to the sports memorabilia to capture any potential movement in these areas. In the copy room, laser grid and motion sensors were also placed to monitor possible movement.
The rooms in the suite were scanned for temperature and EMF (electromagnetic field) readings. The temperatures throughout the suites ranged from 62 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Each room has its own thermostat, so the varying temperatures are not surprising.
All of the rooms but two had baseline EMF of 0-1mg., which is a normal range. The two rooms with higher EMF readings were the office to the right of the large conference room, (between the conference room and an office) and the small conference room with the sports memorabilia. The office was a steady 3mg. and the conference room pulsated from 0 to 3mg. Although the team extensively searched for a cause of these high readings, no explanation was found.
An area in the hallway by the coffee maker and the server room behind that hallway had very high EMF readings, which is normal considering all of the electronic equipment in the server room. High EMF can cause feelings of paranoia, fatigue, headaches, anxiety and hallucinations. People who spend an extended amount of time in these areas may experience these symptoms.
During a quiet session, the investigators sat quietly in separate rooms to try to hear or experience some of the claims of activity. During this time, investigator Beaudry was in one of the client’s office’s and heard what sounded like a radiator hiss or heavy breaths. He was joined by Brown, Christianson and Blaschka who also heard the noise. It is believed that this noise is coming from outside of the building at the ground level. It is likely mechanical equipment or noise from the streets.
At this same time, investigator Kasper, who was seated at the receptionist’s desk, heard what she described as whispering coming from down the hall. It sounded to her like it was between her and the conference room. This was before the rest of the team met in the client’s office to listen to what investigator Beaudry was hearing.
The team attempted to debunk the sound of the door opening and closing. We went downstairs and opened the front door to the building to see if that would cause the suite door to rattle or move in any way. We also used the elevator and opened and closed the door to the back hall. None of these things caused the door to move or rattle. We were not able to recreate that phenomenon.
Later in the evening, investigators Blaschka, Brown, Christianson, Duginski and Kasper conducted an EVP session in the small conference room. At the time, there were no odd sounds or movements in the room. Near the end of the session, investigator Kasper began experiencing some trouble in her throat, causing her to cough and need to clear her throat before speaking. This may just be a coincidence, but the situation seems similar to what one of the clients experienced with his vocal chords.
We did not experience anything regarding the copy room. We did not capture any movement or sounds in that area.
Upon reviewing the digital audio recordings, we did find a few unexplainable recordings.
Investigator Brown asked “Are you the one that makes noise in the copy room and shuffles papers around?” after a few seconds, a faint voice is heard that seems to say “yes”.
Investigator Blaschka said “We’re here for you” after which there is a voice and another noise that are difficult to make out.
Investigator Blaschka also captured what sounds like a frog croaking. This was not heard by anyone at the time; it can only be heard on his recorder. The video from the same time in that area shows that no one is moving around or doing anything that may make that noise. The camera microphone did not pick up the sound either.
We did notice that vehicle lights outside cast moving shadows in the offices, especially in the reception area. This could debunk claims of shadows or unexplained movement.
Based on the full analysis of evidence collected and personal experiences of the clients and other staff members of the office, it is likely that there is a paranormal presence associated with something or someone in the office.
There is no evidence of anything malicious or inhuman. The presence seems to simply want to be acknowledged. Perhaps being a bit mischievous by tossing papers around or making noises to get people to pay attention to them.
None of our investigators experienced any feeling of paranoia or uneasiness.
It is recommended that anyone experiencing activity keep a record of the activity including the date, time and any other significant environmental details. Cell phone video, photo or voice recording and keeping a log of activity can really help with future investigations if needed.
The WPRS will be happy to return to this location for further investigation if necessary or requested by the client or staff members.