Lashed Out by Savannah: Wausau WI
Lashed Out by Savannah is a full-service spa owned by licensed esthetician Savannah Saletri. The services provided include, but are not limited to, eyelash extensions, facials, body waxing, and nail/eyebrow artistry.
The business is located within the former parsonage of St. Paul’s Church, a Colonial Revival-style brick house built in 1912 at 312 N. 5th St., Wausau at a cost of $7,200. It was most notably utilized by Rev. Ortwitz. The parsonage was moved to its current location at 415 Division St., Wausau, on May 25th, 1984.
Per a review of directories and maps dating from 1879-1914, 415 Division St. initially only had an outbuilding on the property, but by 1912 was the site of either a boarding house or a rental building with the following associated names:
August Erickson –
Nellie Jolly (Widow of James)
Robert Jensen - Laborer
Lydia Single (Widow of James)
Kate Gaiser
(Domestic Worker)
By 1914, the only remaining residents were Nellie Jolly (Widow of James) and Evan Towle (Horse Dealer). Further research will be needed to identify additional names from 1915 and on.
Prior to being utilized by Lashed Out by Savannah, the building housed several types of businesses since it had been moved, including a law office, hair salon, marketing agency, realtor, and offices for non-profit organizations.
Paranormal Activity Reported
· Floating faces appear in security cameras
· Security cameras detect motion from nearby hung string lights and pocket doors are seen shaking/vibrating
· Feeling of uneasiness/being watched, especially by one employee who feels “picked on”, who also reports unexplained pain/pressure that only occurs while in the building
· Cold spots felt in areas without identifiable ventilation sources or drafts
· Sounds of objects being thrown around in the upstairs room over the lash room
· Objects being moved
· Voices heard in the hallway/stairway area when sitting in the lash room
The WPRS arrived on Saturday, May 21st, 2022, at 6:30PM and investigated from approximately 8:00PM to 12:30AM. The weather conditions were cloudy with no wind and temperatures in the 50s (degrees Fahrenheit).
Investigators Beaudry, Blaschka, Brown, Christiansen, and Kasper were present. Equipment used during the investigation included:
Digital Video Recorder (DVR
Digital infrared cameras (4)
Cellphone cameras
Rem Pod
Trifield EMF meter
Digital voice recorders
Spirit box
Motion detectors (5)
Thermal imager
K-2 EMF meter
GoPro camera
Fog machine
SLS camera
Laser grids
Owner Savannah Saletri and employee Chloe Lorbecke were present to allow WPRS into the building and discuss the paranormal activity they have experienced. Savannah said she had the building saged, but it only seemed to increase the activity.
Two second floor rooms were locked, but the attic, basement, entire main floor, and one room on the second floor along with a sitting area were accessible. This investigation was focused solely on the main level and second floor due to the size of the building.
Temperature and electromagnetic field (EMF) readings were taken throughout the main level and second floor. The main level had temperatures ranging from 65-73.5 degrees Fahrenheit with average EMF readings between 0.5-2 milligauss. The second floor had a temperature range of 71-72.5 degrees Fahrenheit and EMF readings of 0.5-1 milligauss.
One location on the main floor (the waxing room) did have an EMF spike of 100+ near the light switch. No other anomalous EMF or temperature readings were found.
WPRS members began the investigation by considering possible explanations for the paranormal activity reported. Potential causes include:
· Structural condition of the building due to age and/or the move – a crack was noted above the staircase
· Animals residing in the attic (a variety of unidentified excrement was found)
· The McDonald’s drive-thru speakers across the street face the building and vary in volume which can sometimes be heard inside
· Some vibrations were noted when a train passed by on railroad tracks somewhat close to the site
Sessions to attempt to capture electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) were held both upstairs (above the lash room) and on the main level with WPRS members spread out. The spirit box utilizing the Estes method was used during 4 sessions, as well as the SLS camera. (Note: the Estes method is where only one person is listening to the spirit box for words with noise-cancelling headphones; this person does not hear the questions being asked.)
Multiple digital photographs were taken in every room but nothing was found upon review.
Security camera footage was not available for review.
· Immediately upon entering the building, a small knit cross was found on the floor in the hallway where it borders the lash room. Savannah confirmed it wasn’t there when she last left, nor had she ever seen it before. It was very clean; if it had fallen off woodwork or from within the pocket doors from parsonage years, it likely would have been very dusty/dirty.
· In the room directly above the lash room during an EVP session, the structured light sensor (SLS) camera detected a human form that “morphed” out of Investigator Christiansen’s mapped figure (who was sitting on the floor near the west window) into its own form. When asked to wave, the figure waved, but then began a motion of kicking Investigator Christiansen’s head. When Investigator Christiansen moved to another area of the room, it followed, continuing the kicking motion.
· During an EVP session in the main floor lash room utilizing the spirit box with the Estes method, Investigator Brown heard several words/phrases seemingly in response to questions, as well as general statements and words following common themes:
o Church related terms/phrases heard:
o “Sure!” – in response to asking if they remember St. Paul’s Church
o “Cross” – when asked if they put the cross on the floor, at the same time we said “floor”, it responded “floor”.
o “It’s called God”
o Faith
o Scripture
o Satan
o Pastor
o “He’s in back” – possibly relating to the former office located at the back of the building with the fireplace
o Words/phrases possibly acknowledging the type of work currently being done in the building:
o “Eyes out” immediately followed by “this room” – while we were in the lash room
o “Woman”
o “She’s laid out” followed by “hate it”
o “Keep it off”; when asked what should be kept off (in a joking manner), the response was “I’m quite upset”
o Several responses were noted to questions pertaining to who is there:
o “I am Martha” followed by “I work here”
o “Seven” – when asked how many spirits were present
o Words/phrases related to leaving:
o “Please get out”
o “Go”
o “Leave!” followed by “You don’t listen”
o Words/phrases related to falling/injury:
o “Falling down”
o “Don’t fall”
o “You’re dead”
o “She fell”
o “The blood”
o “Help me”
· During an EVP session on the main floor, Investigator Christiansen was sitting at the bottom of the stairway and “felt” footsteps descend the stairs and crouch behind her, but nothing was seen.
· During an EVP session in the main floor lash room, a faint, unintelligible whisper was heard at the same time a human-form image appeared on the SLS camera, by Savannah’s lashing chair but nearer to the corner of the room by the shelving and window. This is roughly in the same location where cold spots have been reported.
· In the same area of the main floor lash room, an unexplainable “watery blob” was seen on Camera #1 at 10:41PM and a potential orb near the arm of the chair at 11:06PM.
· Camera #2, which was facing the hallway/staircase, picked up an unexplainable flashing light/orb near the floor between the stairs and the wall at 11:28PM.
Upon reviewing the EVP, SLS, and digital infrared camera evidence and taking into consideration the owner and employees’ reports of paranormal activity, it is likely the property is associated with an intelligent haunt's), and possibly additional residual haunts. The haunting does not seem to be malicious, demonic, or inhuman in nature, though possible former “prim and proper” church employees may be upset with the type of business being conducted in “their” parsonage. The WPRS recommends continued monitoring of activity, especially surrounding employee Chloe, which could potentially warrant a subsequent investigation and/or further intervention.
*Any use or reproduction of this documentation is prohibited without the sole permission of Amy Christiansen and the WPRS.