Hydro Air Technologies: Weston, WI
Hydro Air Technologies was built in the 1970’s as an insurance claim building. After business had slowed it was used as a side by side rental. The insurance claim building resumed on the south side of the building with the north side seeing many businesses over the years. Some of those businesses was a telephone company, a vacuum/air purifier sales company, and music lessons business.
After 2010 the building was used as storage for an acquaintance of the owner. In 2016 Hydro Air Technologies acquired part of the building. Two years they began to remodel the building and acquired the entire building in late 2019.
Paranormal Activity Reported
Doors shutting by themselves
A males voice can be heard when no one else is there
Front door locks and unlocks by itself
Lights turning on and off by themselves
Front door also opening and slamming of its own accord
The WPRS investigated on Saturday February 29, 2020 from approximately 7:00 pm to 11:15 pm. Investigators Jeff Syring , Nick von Gnechten, Bill Beaudry, Betsy Duginski, Alainna Van Prooyen, Lorena Cruz and Shawn Blaschka were present.
Equipment used during the investigation was EMF detectors, IR probe, REM-POD, K-2 meters, standard thermometer, Infrared full spectrum camera, motion detectors, vibration sensors, Geiger counter, laser grids, ghost box S-B11 and go pros.
Owner Dawn Syring gave us a tour when we arrived. She walked us through the building and showed us where all the paranormal hotspots were. After the tour we took baseline temperature readings inside the building as well as EMF readings throughout. Temperature readings were from 67 to 69 degrees. EMF readings were .5 to 1.5 milligauss
We first focused our investigation at the front door area where the claims of activity was door locking and unlocking by itself and opening on its own. We set up vibration detectors on the door and set a REM-POD down on the floor in front of the door. The vibration detectors went off several times as well as unexplainably fell off the door. The REM-POD alarmed as well, which almost seemed like it would go off on command at times. The vibration detectors would also alarm at the same time. While all of this was going on, investigator Jeff was kneeling down near the door watching all this activity and he thought he heard a voice behind him. An investigator was recording at that time and captured a faint sound that was unintelligible. We conducted three EVP sessions, one with Jeff and Bill in the presentation room, another with Nick and Alainna and lastly another with Lorena, Betsy and Shawn. After reviewing all EVP’s we did not find any audible evidence of paranormal activity in that room. Member Shawn however saw a flash of light down a hallway near the presentation room and a second flash of light was seen by both Lorena and Shawn. This activity was witnessed between 9:45 and 10:00 pm.
We also had an infrared camera set up in the programming room and captured a light appear and disappear in the North West corner of the room. Investigators Bill and Shawn continued to investigate using the SB11 ghost box with noise canceling headphones. While Lorena and Bill listened, Lorena kept hearing a pattern in the white noise that she described as Morse code. During another EVP session in the presentation room, investigators asked a question about the current owner Dawn. After asking the questions the ceiling made a very loud noise, which may have been caused by the building settling or expanding and contracting as it was near 20 degrees outside. Nothing else was captured on the SB11 or noise canceling headphones. We wrapped up the investigation around 11:15 pm.
Throughout all the EVP sessions, investigator Nick captured a faint noise in the room where investigator Jeff heard a voice behind him earlier in the evening. Unfortunately the EVP was unintelligible. Another EVP that was very clear sounds like someone saying, I need a little bit more. We are not sure if it was possibly a member as several members were speaking at the same time.
We witnessed the REM-POD going off by the front door on video along with the vibration detectors going off and falling off the door.
We witnessed an unknown light source in the North West corner of the presentation room as well as captured it on an infrared full spectrum camera.
Upon reviewing all the videos, EVP’s and taking into consideration the owners claims of activity in this building as well as the unexplainable lights seen by investigators, we strongly feel that paranormal activity is present in the building.
Since our initial investigation in February, there have been more occurrences. Such as doors shutting, front door unlocking and locking, power nozzle being knocked to the floor, door handles rattling and contractors feeling as if they are being watched.
This case is ongoing due to all the activity that has occurred since the February investigation. The WPRS did some short investigating in April 2020 and will continue to report on any new findings. WPRS looks forward to investigating this property again and will be updating this case as the case progresses.
*Any use or reproduction of this documentation is prohibited without the sole permission of Jeff Syring and the WPRS.