Historic Building in Wausau
SYNOPSIS Investigator Blaschka of the WPRS (Wisconsin Paranormal Research Society) contacted a worker at a historic building in Wausau, Wisconsin concerning a report of unexplained activity. After a brief interview by phone and in person, they asked if we would perform an investigation at their business. WPRS agreed and decided to investigate the site. The investigation occurred on September 13th, 2002. PARANORMAL ACTIVITY THAT WAS REPORTED A recorded interview session was conducted on August 30th, 2002 at 8:00AM in the meeting room of the business. Some of the witnesses relayed the following possible paranormal activity to investigator Blaschka. This information was noted and recorded for investigation purposes. 1. Voices of children often heard coming from behind various subjects with no apparent explanation. The children’s voices tend to call out staff’s first names. 2. Child’s voice heard saying “Hello” to one staff member. 3. Unexplainable anomalies occurring with the computer systems in the building. 4. Doors found open of their own accord after they have been closed. 5. Unexplainable anomaly occurred with the telephone system. Voice heard stating, “Is that so” while worker was experiencing anomaly. 6. Phantom footsteps heard walking down ramp leading to meeting room. 7. Knocking noises heard emanating from the basement area. 8. The sounds of trash being thrown into a garbage can next to one person’s desk even though no one threw anything in it. 9. Sounds of children’s voices heard as if they where at play. INVESTIGATION RESULTS The investigation of the building took place on September 13th, 2002 from approximately 7:00PM to 11:30PM. Investigator Blaschka, Roll, Murphy and Ludwig were present. During the investigation several rolls of high-speed black/white and color film was shot in all areas of the building. No anomalies were captured on film. Two (2) hours of “night shot” video was recorded in the photo copy room where previously the doors to the room were found open with no explanation. The video was viewed remotely via CCTV from the south end of the station. No significant anomalies were noted during filming or after review. |