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Privately Owned Residence - Merrill, Wisconsin



The WPRS was contacted in June 2017 by the client about paranormal activity occurring in their home. The home is located in Merrill, Wisconsin. The family has lived in the home for 17 years. Activity seems to have been occurring sporadically since the family moved in, but more so in the last four years.  


Paranormal Activity Reported

The client once experienced the apparition of a woman wearing a hooded cloak at the foot of her bed. The apparition walked toward the door of the bedroom, turned to face the bed and removed the hood revealing her braided hair.

The client was walking through the darkened dining room in the middle of the night and experienced what appeared to be a full skirt of a woman; from only the waist down.

Radio on an alarm clock located in the master bedroom has turned on by itself.

Banging noises, footsteps, thuds, and knocking have all been heard in various parts of the home.

The client captured a male EVP stating “watch out” in the dining room. 

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The investigation took place on July 17, 2017. Investigators Blaschka, Beaudry, Abrams, Coscio, von Gnechten and Sczygelski were present. Equipment used during the investigation included digital cameras, digital voice recorders, EMF Detectors, DVR System, Full Spectrum Camera, two REM-pod, and Kinect digital mapping system.

The client gave a tour to the investigators and explained where activity has been occurring.

Following the tour, equipment was set up. Camera one was placed in the master bedroom facing the door and alarm clock. Camera two was placed in the kitchen facing the dining room and front porch area. Camera three was placed upstairs in the sitting area facing across the room toward the stairs. Camera four was placed in the living room on the main floor. A REM-pod was placed on the bed in the master bedroom.

During an EVP session in the dining room, investigator Abrams could see into the master bedroom and thought that she could see movement in the far corner of the room. A possible EVP was captured during this time; it seems to state either “our mess” or “necklace”.

                                      LISTEN HERE

During an EVP session in the upstairs sitting area, a female disembodied voice was captured. It is not possible to make out any of the words, but a voice can be heard.

                                      LISTEN HERE

At one point, just the client and her husband were in the house to see if there would be any activity. A recorder was left on the kitchen counter. The husband sat in the master bedroom and the client sat in the dining room. A loud tap could be heard in the kitchen. Upon review of the recording, a sigh and a loud tap can be heard.

                                      LISTEN HERE

Digital, infrared and full spectrum photos were taken during the course of the investigation, as well as Kinect digit recording. No anomalies were found.


 Conclusion and Recommendation

Due to the audio recordings that were captured and personal experiences in the home, the WRPS feels that the residence does have paranormal activity. The team may return at a future time to see if additional evidence could be captured. Nothing captured seemed malicious in nature.



*Any use or reproduction of this documentation is prohibited without the sole permission of Ann Sczygelski or the WPRS.