Haunted Places
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Haunting of The Kraft Cheese Factory

Factories in my mind are usually thought of as places that are busy, fast-paced and full of life. But to most workers it is also probably the last place they would be caught dead in, especially on their free time. However the dead are still around for unknown reasons at this local factory where this true story takes place.

It was a stormy, cold November evening in 1995. Miss. Jane had been at her job as a night security officer for almost four hours and it was time again for her to complete her rounds of the building. It was a Saturday and the factory was shut down and quite for the weekend. Miss. Jane started her rounds on the first floor, proceeded to the second floor and then took the stairs to the third floor. She went to her first punch site located on that floor. She had to pass through a small room to reach the main hallway that lead to that punch site. As Miss. Jane worked her way down the hallway she was startled by a woman standing at the other end of the hall. This caught Miss. Jane by such surprise that she screamed and jumped back. It also appeared that the woman was scared as well because she too had the expression of fright in her face. The apparition made no sound and slowly began to back away from Miss. Jane until she materialized through the wall directly behind her. The ghost Miss. Jane had seen appeared to be in her late thirties or early forties with light brown hair that was braided back. She was also wearing turquoise colored business attire consistent with the late 1960’s or early 1970’s. The woman appeared to be semi transparent. Miss. Jane was absolutely terrified. She made her way back down the hallway and took the exit back down to the first floor. Miss. Jane decided to stay at a central location that was well lit and completed no more rounds that evening. After this had happened Miss. Jane always felt very uneasy on the third floor. She never saw the ghostly woman again.

A few weeks had passed since Miss. Jane had seen the unknown woman. Mr. Fischer who had heard about what Miss. Jane had seen was working alone on his shift. It was about 4:30am and it was time for him to complete a security check. Mr. Fischer followed nearly the same route to complete his tasks as Miss. Jane had. Once he had completed his first check point on the third floor he entered the same area where Miss. Jane had seen the frightened woman. Mr. Fischer entered the lab room and was suddenly hit by a rush of very cool air which blew papers to the floor and made his hair stand up on the back of his neck. He then heard the sound of a person moaning and screaming as if they were in agony. Down the hallway he saw a very small dark figure shuffle toward the other end of the hall. The eerie figure was draped in a black cloak and its face appeared to be burnt or deformed and appeared almost inhuman. The figure shuffled away and down the stairs out of sight moaning as it went along. Mr. Fischer was scared to death of what he had just seen. He was more than anxious to leave work that morning. A few times after that Mr. Fischer had seen machinery that turned on without the aid of human hands and workers had told him of seeing misty white figures in the shipping docks.

At least four years later another worker, a Mr. Johnson was working on the third floor near the same area where the ghostly activity had taken place. While there he saw a misty white figure form and float down the hallway past him and then dissipate into thin air. As far as I know even to this day, workers still report strange occurrences within the factory walls.

· This story utilizes fictitious names to protect the privacy of those involved. Any similarities to the names used in this story are strictly coincidental. Any reproduction or use of this story without the sole permission of Shawn Blaschka is prohibited.